Monday, August 16, 2010


My last Monday as a Nanny. I've been working in childcare for about five years now. Three of those years have been spent as a Nanny. My job or occupation-whatever you desire to call it- has revolved around making children laugh, kissing boo-boos, creating paper airplanes, fixing broken toys, pretending to be eaten by a shark, and the list grows ever longer.
I sat in the youngest child's room, rocking her cousin to sleep and singing to them both when it hit me. Just two years and some months ago, that was me and the youngest child. Here I sat rocking the 10 month old girl and gazing at the other girl who went from 8 months to 3 years old in a heartbeat. And as I held back the tears I asked myself, "Where did it all go?"
I can remember the first time that 3 year old told me she loved me. I can remember her first steps; when she said my name; when she fell outside and scraped her knee; when she held tightly to my hand afraid to let go; when she pushed me away cause "(I) do it!" Her brother, who started out 2 years old in my daycare class, is now experiencing K-5 for the first time. WOW! He looked like such a little grown man. I can remember the talks we would have at the daycare; talks that eventually evolved to his own room. We'd stretch out on his bed and he would ask all sorts of questions. Where things came from? How does winter work? What's beyond the stars? And beyond that? What if we had legs like horses and instead of hair, blades like on a helicopter? Miss Hannah, how can I become a toothe fairy? Oh my! Such wonderful memories.
And now, NOW I am down to three days. How do you fit in enough hugs and kisses to last you the rest of your life? I have been so blessed by all families that I have worked for and with. Yeah...there were tough days. Days of discipline and NO! You can't do that because....
Another page is turning, my life story isn't ending just continuing. And though it feels like the best of them are coming to an end I can't help but feel extremely priviledged to have been a part of their lives.
I miss you just isn't good enough. Literal translation of "I miss you" from Romanian to English is "Am foste dor de tine." Which means (when translated word for word) "I felt/had pain for you."