Monday, June 21, 2010

"That usually produces the opposite desired effect..."

The room was full of people. And if you know how big my living room is, you would understand it doesn't take much to fill the void spaces and cracks. Each face held the story of how we met and what we have experienced so far (in life) together. And my emotions began to build until my inability to show my true feelings was replaced with an awkward awareness that I just might break down and cry.
How do you convey to twenty unique individuals just how much each one of them means to you? And how God has greatly used them to change who you are for the better?
I don't think it's possible. But for a breif moment I scanned the room and their faces and managed a smile. I'm sure it was awkward, out of place, and slightly crooked. But yes, that was a smile. I can tell you exactly why I would go to celebrate their life with them. But for the life of me, I couldn't understand why any of them bothered to drive the four hours, two hours, one hour...and so forth to come and celebrate with me. And it's because I know who I am, what I've done, and how I've lived. I also know that the person I am today is in part to each and every face that stood in my livingroom smiling back at me.
How did I feel? Unbelievably blessed.
So case any of you actually snoop around my facebook and discover this...Here's what I would have liked to have said:
Saying that I am honored to call you friend is probably one of the cheapest forms of cliche that exist. And I know that I'm the only one here who can look around and not see "new" faces. And that is an overwhelming feeling. I'm a visual learner. If you say something- I picture it. This isn't always the greatest thing in the world. To some people you may be simply a face and name and a preconceived notion of who you are as a person. But when I look at you, each and every one of you, I see the times we have laughed, the interesting conversations EVEN arguments shared, and the thoughtful actions displayed at the perfect timing. I see more than a face that possesses the capability to see and smell, talk and think. I see a life ordained by God to change the world. And so I thank you for allowing me to be a part of your life and to call you, My Friend.

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