Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Maybe He Saw Something He Didn't Like

There is this Giant. Yes, a real Giant! And then there is me- the screw up.

Once upon a three weeks or so ago, this Giant wanted to meet the screw-up. But the screw-up screwed up. She, out of fear, chose to stay with her previous plans for the evening. The Giant said he would use the magical world of Facebook to look up this screw-up and get in touch with her. But there never came a message or a friend request.

So, the screw-up went up to the workplace of the Giant. He was there. She knew it, but I don't think He knew. And then this screw-up realized how much she had screwed up. She felt so small compared to his stature; even somewhat insignificant.

And then a thought crossed my mind. "Maybe he did look me up on facebook. Maybe...He didn't quite like what he saw."

I never spoke to him. I was too scared. And now I wish I could meet him, be introduced, and maybe even be friends. But I'm afraid that chance has been lost.

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