Saturday, June 19, 2010

Water Balloons and Laundry :)

I like doing laundry. That may seem weird to an extent. But I really do like doing laundry. :)
I may not be going about the process in the right way, but that doesn't bother me. I have a system and it works. ha!
First, seperate by color. Second, by function. Third, by specificity. Guess what? Specificity is an ACTUAL word! I looked it up to make sure. Not that it matters-I would have used it anyway. You see, you can't mix darks with brights or brights with ordinaries. As for Function, I classify my clothes according to when I wear them. All the nice outfits get washed together, and the every day wear gets thrown together. The down right nasties-clothes to ruin- take a nice long wash together. I won't explain specificity. :)
I love water! But thanks to my fairly vivid and somewhat petrifying imagination, water and I tend to not interact much. Unless, it's a nice shower in the morning and a water gun/balloon fight on a sunny day. Or laundry and general.
I enjoy a good swim and the ocean is one of my favorite places to relax; however, I cannot swim alone. It's not that I won't. I simply can't. As I imagine things (whatever they may be), if alone, those "things" become reality to a certain degree. If you say, "There's something on the top of your car!" I will begin to imagine "What" that "something" may or may not be and just exactly "WHAT" it plans to do with me. And then I will refuse to come out of my own car. Yes, it is sad and borderline pathetic. But as you can see, if I were to swim alone and then imagine some horrid creature from the deep tangling round my waist and pulling me under. I would be so stricken with fear that moving would become next to impossible and I would drown. Hence, any good friend of mine would never allow me to go near any body of water alone.
However, it is who I am. Who God has made me to be. I have a vivid imagination! That's not a bad thing; when cultivated in the appropiate manner and fashion it produces wonderful outcomes. for the water balloons. I am throwing a Bonfire in celebration of my turning half of FIFTY! Yep! Twenty-five more years and I will be elligible for a senior discount at F.I.R.E. Now that's something to look forward to! ;) lol
No worries, we will not be attacking the bonfire with balloons-though that is something to consider. No. Instead we will attempt to play two of my favorite outdoor "sporting" events with water balloons versus the usual tool: balls. This is how it began:
"It may be extremelt hot outside...."
"Ooh! Water balloons."
"Fight or no fight?, that could get messy and then all those people would have to change. And I live in a single wide mobile home-not that they're aware of that."
"HEY!...I wonder...WHAT IF...?"

(Fair warning: Should I ever begin a conversation with HEY! soon followed by I WONDER and ending with a WHAT IF question, please run!)

"WHAT IF we played tag football and dodgeball with water balloons?!"
*insert an absurd amount of excitement*

So today will be filled with friends, food-that hopefully we can cook just right, fun games from the obsurd lobe of my brain-whichever side that may be, AND a fabulous fire complete with "smores" (which I am not a fan of) lol. So, here is my addition of the day. I'm off to get the last few items in place and then to enjoy my day and wait around for 6 PM!

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